View our full list of services available at St Michaels Medical Centre
All routine Childhood Immunisations are carried out by the Vaccination Transformation Programme team at the Practice.
The Influenza Campaign is run every Autumn offering protection against the flu virus for all patients over the age of 65 years, young children and eligible patients at particular risk.
Information on eligibility can be found here
More Information on Eligibility
Patients with chronic disease will be recalled for review by our Practice Nurse. It is our aim for 2022 is to correspond review to patient’s month of birth.
Information Sheet for Patients Newly Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes
What is Type 2 diabetes?
Type 2 diabetes is a common condition that causes the level of sugar (glucose) to become too high.
It can cause symptoms like excessive thirst, needing to pee a lot and tiredness. It can also increase your risk of getting serious problems with your eyes, hear and nerves.
It is a lifelong condition that can affect your everyday life. You may need to change your diet, take medicines and have regular check-ups.
It is caused by problems with a chemical in the body (hormone) called insulin. It is often linked to being overweight, or have a family history of type 2 diabetes.
Most people need medicine to control their type 2 diabetes. Medicine helps keep your blood sugar level as normal as possible to prevent health problems. You will have to take it for the rest of your life.
Diabetes usually gets worse over time, so your medicine or dose may need to change.
Adjusting your diet and being active is also necessary to keep your blood sugar level down.
What happens now?
You have been newly diagnosed by one of the doctors in the Practice and started on medication.
You will have a repeat blood test after six weeks (usually 6-8 weeks) of starting your medication.
You will be referred for a screening test which will normally happen within three months.
A referral will be automatically sent for DESMOND Education Programme (currently a six month waiting list)
You will be asked to attend the Practice Nurse for a full Diabetic Review four months after diagnosis, thereafter an annual review with either a Healthcare Assistant or Practice Nurse.
What is ‘Diabetes My Way’
A NHS Scotland interactive diabetes website to help support people who have diabetes and their family and friends.
You will find leaflets, videos, educational tools and games containing information about diabetes. You can now also use this website to view your own up-to-date diabetes clinic results to help you manage your condition more effectively.
Diabetes My Way
Where do I find further information?
NHS Choices (Diabetes)
Diabetes UK
Dumfries Diabetes Support Group
Dumfries Diabetes Support Group Contact
We provide contraceptive advice, cervical smears and well woman advice during normal surgery hours. Our Sexual Health Nurse Specialist runs an evening clinic on Tuesdays mainly for contraceptive advice and Implanon insertion/removals.
The National Cervical Screening Programme will recall you as required.
Emergency contraception advice is available at any pharmacy or by contacting the surgery Pharmacist.
Clinics are held on a daily basis by the Practice Nurse and the Health Care Assistants, dealing with services such as wound care, dressings, swabs and taking blood samples.
If you have a problem which your doctor feels is best treated by a minor operation it may be carried out at the surgery if appropriate, otherwise you will be referred to the appropriate department at DGRI.
Some services provided are not covered under our contract with the NHS and therefore attract charges. Examples include the following:
Medicals for pre-employment, sports and driving requirements (HGV, PSV etc.)
Insurance claim forms
Prescriptions for taking medication abroad
Private sick notes
Vaccination certificates
The fees charged are based on the British Medical Association (BMA) suggested scales and our reception staff will be happy to advise you about them along with appointment availability.
NHS Dumfries & Galloway Advanced Practitioner Physiotherapist, Ruth Bell, holds a clinic ON Tuesday and Thursdays at the Practice where she can assess, diagnose and treat a range of musculoskeletal problems. You may be referred onwards for further investigation or a course of treatment if required.
If you have a problem that you think would benefit from a Physio assessment, you can contact Reception to arrange an appointment at one of her clinics.
DGHSCP Physiotherapy
We all know that smoking is bad for us, though it’s not always easy to give up.
There are various services available to help you quit –
Your local pharmacy can offer free treatment and 1-2-1 support – contact them direct
NHS Dumfries & Galloway Quit Your Way – https://www.nhsinform.scot/scotlands-service-directory/health-and-wellbeing-services for further details
If you are aged between 40 and 75, and have any concerns about your health and do not attend any other routine clinics, you are invited to make an appointment with one of our Healthcare Assistants or Practice Nurses for a well person check.
For any information not listed above, view our useful links