Consultations & Prescriptions
For further information on Appointments & Prescriptions, contact our reception staff.
Clinical Consultations
All clinical consultations will initially be by telephone.
If the clinician feels you need to be seen face to face this will be arranged during your telephone consultation.
Nursing Consultations
You can book a nursing consultations up to 6 weeks in advance.
Our staff nurse Dawn Mooney carry out treatment duties for example, Ear syringing, ECG’s, Cervical cytology, Injections, Dressings and many other duties.
Our Healthcare Assistants Lorna Wells and Rachel Murphy carry out daily phlebotomy clinics from 8.30am to 4pm daily.
Home Visits
If you are too ill to attend surgery and require a home visit, please telephone
01387 244950 BEFORE 10.00am.
This will help the doctors plan their working day.
Please do not request home visits for conditions that can be seen at the surgery as the doctor can see several patients in surgery in the time that it takes to make one house call.
Patients can also be examined more thoroughly at the surgery.
If you have a temperature or rash, coming to the surgery will do you no harm.
Patients will be asked to come to the surgery if the doctor feels they are fit to do so. It is the doctor who makes the final decision as to where the patient will be seen
Telephoning a Doctor
The doctors are always willing to give advice over the telephone. The most convenient time to speak to the doctor is between 11am and 11.30am.
Interruptions during surgery are upsetting for both doctors and patients and for this reason the receptionists have been asked not to disturb consultations with telephone calls.
Repeat Prescriptions
Prescriptions for medicines taken regularly can be obtained without seeing the doctor if he/she has agreed to this.
Medication can be ordered from 11am – 4pm by telephoning 01387 244950 (we would prefer patients on regular medication use the Online Prescription facility.
Local chemists operate a collection and delivery service for repeat prescriptions. Should you wish to use this service, please let us know which chemist you use when you order your prescription.
Should you wish your repeat prescription to be posted, then please forward a written request and enclose a stamped addressed envelope.
Please allow 24 hours before collecting your prescription.
Online Prescription Ordering
We offer online Patient Access, giving patients the opportunity to book a doctors appointment online (option suspended at present) as well as requesting repeat prescriptions.
If you are interested in registering for this new service please click on the button below to download and complete the information required and return to the Practice. A registration information letter will be made available to you to enable you to set up your online booking account – or call the surgery at 01387 244950.